Meet Darcie Braai
Agent, Guardian Explorer

Nice to Meet You
Like so many of you, Darcie is also a mega fan of HGTV. She realizes, however, that most of what's on TV is fantasy.
Episodes show before and afters and skip over the hard part. For Darcie, the hard part is the best part. It's the part where people gain information, face challenges, and overcome fears.
Smart. Curious. Fearless. Darcie Braai has never met a riddle she can't sleuth. She loves a good mystery. She finds facing challenges both exciting and rewarding. She loves coaching her clients through the stressful bits and sharing in the joy and excitement once they reach their happy endings.
Raised in New Orleans, Darcie's family is originally from Honduras. She spent much of her life traveling between NOLA, Roatan, and Utila. She quickly learned there's no one way to live. And no two homes are alike, even if they seem very similar from the outside.
A student of the world, Darcie has traveled to more than fifteen countries. She loves learning about people. Doing so has taught her that there's no "right way to live."
Why Work With Darcie
Working with Darcie means working with a woman on the pulse of real estate.
Darcie enjoys real estate because there's no end to learning. She enjoys spending every spare moment soaking up new ideas and approaches to selling and finding homes.
You can find her streaming real estate podcasts in the carpool lane. Piling through the pages of books between meetings. And, of course, HGTV is also often on in the background when she's spending time with family.
What she'd change about real estate:
"Too many Realtors see clients as a quota, but clients are people with values. Their time, money, and feelings are valuable."
And thus, she's set off to change that experience for her clients. "Real estate can be stressful, but it can also be thrilling. I help my clients get comfortable with the uncomfortable."
She helps them see beyond the fantasy, past their fears and helps them realize that more good things can come from taking the journey with her than they could have imagined possible.
Who She Shares Success With:
Darcie shares her success with her husband, two children, and dog Ziggy.
She also celebrates with her parents, who live close by, and her close friends. In addition, she enjoys giving back to her local community by supporting small businesses; and hopes to make a bigger splash by aiding communities in Roatan in the future.
Darcie's New Orleans:
A mother of two and a resident of Algiers Point, Darcie loves that her neighborhood is so family-friendly. She enjoys the neighborhood's historic character and isn't shy to say hello to neighbors or teach her children to do the same.
Other hidden talents?
Very little scares Darcie. But deep water used to. So she reached deep down, applied for a SCUBA course, and was soon a certified PADI.
The adventure was indeed worthwhile. She can now explore even further and especially loves observing the colorful fish and habitats off the coast of Roatan.